Mary Decoursey Slaughter
1846 - 1935
In 1850 in Liberty, Missouri, Mary Decoursey Slaughter was born to parents, Joe and Maria Decoursey. Like most babies of African Descent in those days she was born into slavery, as her parents Joe and Maria were enslaved. Previously enslaved by JTV Thompson (Shown in the Slave Schedule below), he eventually gave Joe and Maria to his daughter, who married T.W. Decoursey, as a wedding gift.
Ironically, even though Joseph and Maria were given as a wedding gift, they were not permitted to legally marry. Enslaved were not seen as American citizens and under the Three Fifths Clause were treated as not fully human. It was illegal for them to marry, hold property, read or write. Even still, they forged a relationship and a family and brought Mary into the world as a declaration of their commitment to one another.
On January 11, 1865, following Missouri’s Proclamation of Freedom, Joe, Maria and their fifteen year old daughter Mary were freed. Joe and Maria were finally legally able to marry and begin a life and Mary was permitted to learn and go to school.